駒井プロとユウマプロに来てもらって、Starboadの試乗会を行いました。RACEフォイルとSeverneセイル7.8を使い、ボードはPWA基準の2018 iSonic 147 (幅91cm)と、FOIL 147 (幅95cm)、そしてFOIL 122(幅75cm)の乗り比べをしました。午前中の北の風、風速3m/s~たまに5m/s。まず2018 iSonic 147 (幅91cm)。
I got Komai pro and Yuma pro to come and took a Starboad test ride. Using the RACE foil and Severne sail 7.8, the board compared the PWA standard 2018 iSonic 147 (width 91 cm), FOIL 147 (width 95 cm), and FOIL 122 (width 75 cm) against each other. North wind in the morning, wind speed 5 knots to occasional 10 knots. First of all, 2018 iSonic 147 (width 91 cm).
YouTube => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ADWw0VJUyw